Pink Ribbons, Inc.: Capitalizing on Hope

Pink Ribbons, Inc. looks at the pervasive impact of breast cancer fundraising. Every year, millions of dollars are raised, but where does all the money go, and what is actually achieved? This NFB film offers a completely different take on the pink ribbon “success” story that has overtaken North America, with insight from leading doctors, activists and social critics, as well as women diagnosed with

Remembering Kim Tempest, 1961-2011

Kim passed away at Lions Gate Hospital, Vancouver, BC in the early hours of December 16th, 2011, after a courageous battle with metastatic breast cancer. Many of you who attended the national conferences for young women living with breast cancer will remember Kim’s wicked sense of humour, her willingness to pitch in to get things done, her intelligence, her love for family and friends and especially

The Prayers of the People and the Year of the Dragon

All this month of January 2012 I have been saying the Prayers of the People at St Martin’s Anglican Church here in Ottawa. I was asked if I would say the prayers back in November, and when I arrived back from Lunenburg on January 2, I went to visit Father Richard, who gave me some important tips about how to be a good intercessor. Today was my

The Year of radiotherapy

Did you know that 2011 was the Year of Radiotherapy, marking 100 years since Marie Curie won her second Nobel Prize for her work on radium? A study of 2,000 members of the public released in January 2011 showed that serious misconceptions about radiotherapy persisted, despite the fact that it contributes significantly to the cure of cancer. While 47% of those asked thought targeted cancer

My reaction to Picard’s Globe and Mail column Are breast implants a form of mutilation?

While Andre Picard’s January 17, 2012 article about cosmetic surgery to increase breast size is well thought out and sensible, the title of the article – Are breast implants a form of mutilation? – is sensationalist and ignores the tens of thousands of women around the world who have reconstructive surgery after having had a mastectomy as part of breast cancer treatment. Many (but not

Breast Cancer Screening

I wrote this OPED piece in response to an article in the Globe and Mail earlier this year; it wasn’t printed, but I want to share it with the community because screening is under attack for both breast and prostate cancer. We have been told repeatedly and clinicians and researchers agree that early detection of breast cancer is key to positive outcomes. The new guidelines